  • 9
  • 10
  • Product code_ Glass-L
  • Product code_ PET-Standard

Rose Butter Cookies

RM 10.00
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Rose Butter Cookies are a delightful and elegant treat, featuring a delicate rose pattern on each cookie. Made with high-quality butter, sugar, and flour, these cookies have a rich, buttery flavor and a tender, melt-in-your-mouth texture. The beautifully piped rose design adds a touch of sophistication, making them perfect for special occasions, afternoon tea, or as a thoughtful gift. Their golden edges and soft centers create a pleasing contrast that enhances both their visual appeal and taste.


- Salted Butter

- Icing Sugar

- Cake Flour

- Cornflour

- Salt


Quantities of cookies as per jar size

PET Series 

  • Standard PET size: 27 pieces
  • Medium PET size: 21 pieces
  • Mini PET size: 12 pieces

Glass Series 

  • Large glass size: 45 pieces
  • Medium glass size: 27 pieces
  • Mini glass size: 7 pieces

Square Container Series 

  • Standard square container: 27 pieces
  • Medium square container:17 pieces
  • Mini square container: N/A

Storage Instruction

Place in cool and dry place.

Shelf Life

3 months from production date.

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