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Summary on 12th Malaysia Plan (2021 – 2025) for women, entrepreneurship and B40

Summary on 12th Malaysia Plan (2021 – 2025) for women, entrepreneurship and B40

On women: 

  1. Promoting gender equality:

    • efforts will be focused on promoting gender equality, increasing economic participation, and enhancing the role of women in decision making. 

    • Women’s participation in all sectors will be elevated via multiple economic platforms, including the sharing economy and the entrepreneurship development

  2. Enhancing legal protection

    • Safety and security issues will continue to be addressed by strengthening both civil and sharia laws, as well as enhancing women’s rights awareness and intervention programmes.

    • Legislation to address sexual harassment and gender inequalities will be formulated.

On entrepreneurship (in relation to Bumiputera business): 

  1. Increasing the resilience and sustainability of Bumiputera business:

    • Increasing resilience and sustainability of Bumiputera businesses will be the main focus in strengthening entrepreneurship culture 

  2. Enhancing entrepreneurs’ capacity and capability

    • The capacity and capability will be enhanced by inculcating self-reliance, a competitive mindset and high-performance culture 

    • Financial and non-financial assistance to be provided based on merit and needs 

    • Structured coaching and mentoring programmes will be strengthened 

  3. Intensifying entrepreneurship programmes

    • Start-up entrepreneurship programmes including for young and professionals will be intensified to enhance Bumiputera participation 

    • Bumiputera entrepreneurs will be encouraged to venture into industries with high growth potential such as halal, aerospace, creative industries, agriculture biomass, tourism and advanced E&E. 

On B40:

  1. Consists of 2.91 million households 

  2. Focus will be given to diversify B40 income, review income group categories and increase low-income household’s earnings.

    • Members of the household will be supported in terms of education, training and skills to enhance their capacity and capability 

    • Efforts to create more income-generating opportunities through entrepreneurship activities among the B40 will be enhanced.

  3. Efforts will be undertaken to improve access to basic services such as education, healthcare, housing and social protection.

    • Children of the B40 will continue to be given priority for scholarships and intakes into SBP and MRSM. 

    • Access to quality healthcare and primary health facilities in rural and remote areas will be enhanced to provide affordable and better healthcare services.

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