

Effective Communication: Public Speaking Tips for Malaysia's Aspiring Women Entrepreneurs

Ahammed Yousuf

In Malaysia, the entrepreneurial landscape is evolving. More women are taking the lead. Public speaking is a crucial skill for women entrepreneurs in Malaysia. It's about more than just sharing information

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Financial and Legal Know-How for Women Entrepreneurs in Malaysia

Ahammed Yousuf

In Malaysia, the rise of women entrepreneurs. It is a significant economic and social development. However, navigating the financial and legal landscapes can be daunting.

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Bridging Gaps: How Malaysia's Female Entrepreneurs Are Solving Social Issues

Ahammed Yousuf

In Malaysia, a new wave of change is taking place. It's led by female entrepreneurs. It shows that social entrepreneurship can drive real change.

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Innovation for Impact: Malaysian Women's Contributions to Social Entrepreneurship

Ahammed Yousuf

Malaysia, a vibrant Southeast Asian nation. It is witnessing a significant rise in social entrepreneurship. women social entrepreneurs are redefining norms. Traditionally, women faced challenges in entering the business world.

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Tech for Good: The Rise of Women-Led Social Tech Startups in Malaysia

Ahammed Yousuf

Women social entrepreneurs in Malaysia are a growing force. They bring unique perspectives to the tech world. A key focus of these startups is helping underprivileged women in Malaysia. Technology is a powerful tool in this effort.

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Malaysian Women in Social Business: Overcoming Challenges, Making Differences

Ahammed Yousuf

The Rising Tide of Women Social Entrepreneurs in MalaysiaIn the dynamic landscape of Malaysia's economy, a remarkable trend is emerging. Women are stepping forward as social entrepreneurs. They are not just creating businesses but also addressing

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Latest Malaysia Budget addresses issues faced by Malaysian women

Jia Min

Latest Malaysia Budget addresses issues faced by Malaysian women

Malaysia on 29th October 2021 announced the 2022 Budget, the largest ever in Malaysia. Among the new government policies and programmes announced aimed at aiding Malaysian economic recovery in 2022, the government also set aside budget spending to s

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More Asia’s wealthy heirs pour monies into investments with a female focus

Jia Min

More Asia’s wealthy heirs pour monies into investments with a female focus

According to a recent Bloomberg report, there is a growing trend among Asia rich families to invest in areas with a female focus. This investment strategy, described as “gender lens investing” is rapidly gaining momentum, despite being a niche area

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Summary on 12th Malaysia Plan (2021 – 2025) for women, entrepreneurship and B40

Jia Min

Summary on 12th Malaysia Plan (2021 – 2025) for women, entrepreneurship and B40

On women: Promoting gender equality: efforts will be focused on promoting gender equality, increasing economic participation, and enhancing the role of women in decision making. Women’s participation in all sectors will be elevated via multiple econ

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Losing Women in the Workforce

Jia Min

Losing Women in the Workforce

In the first 12 months of the pandemic, 53% of the US labour-force exits are women. In addition, the April 2021 US job reports suggest these exits may be permanent: of the 328,000 jobs created in April, 102% of the net job gains belong to men. Based

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Proposal on free SOCSO protection for two million bottom 40% housewives to be tabled

JIa Min

Proposal on free SOCSO protection for two million bottom 40% housewives to be tabled

According to news reports, Malaysia Ministry of Human Resources (MoHR) through the Social Security Organisation (SOCSO) and Women, Family and Community Development Ministry (KWPKM) will propose free SOCSO protection for about two million housewives

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Introduction to Impact Investing and related activities in Southeast Asia

Jia Min

Introduction to Impact Investing and related activities in Southeast Asia

According to the Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN), impact investing is investing with the intention to generate positive, measurable impact on top of financial return. This includes investing in business models that with an environment, social

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Female entrepreneurs emerged as a result of the pandemic

Jia Min

Female entrepreneurs emerged as a result of the pandemic

Based on a survey result jointly conducted by Gusto and US-based National Association of Women Business Owners, about 40% of female entrepreneurs started business as a direct result of the pandemic. In this article, we highlight some of the challeng

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Gender-defined roles still persist in modern Singapore

Jia Min

Gender-defined roles still persist in modern Singapore

Based on a survey result jointly conducted by multinational research and consulting firm Ipsos and United Women Singapore, a non-profit organization firm, despite the high labour force participation of women in Singapore, Singaporean women still bea

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On the 28th June 2021, the 8th Prime Minister of Malaysia, Tan Sri Dato' Haji Mahiaddin made an announcement on Pakej Perlindungan Rakyat Dan Pemulihan Ekonomi. The National People's Well-Being and Economic Recovery Package (Pemulih) is expected to

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Women Inequality

Women Inequality

Women have been disproportionately affected by the Covid-19 lockdowns in many countries. According to UN Women survey results from Asia and the Pacific, women are losing their jobs faster than men and have fewer options to generate income. Women ten

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Women Unemployment

Women Unemployment

For decades, the world has struggled with inequality. Women have been left behind as progress has been slow, and the current recovery is failing them. The figures above show that in 2020, both men's and women's unemployment rose, but women's unemplo

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The pandemic has impacted everyone, including women. “It’s not just in the global north, it’s everywhere", says Anita Zaidi, president of the Gates Foundation’s Gender Equality Division. The pandemic has caused gender wage disparity as more women wo

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Featured in The Edge Article

Featured in The Edge Article

Ibupreneur was featured in The Edge Article on Responsible Business entitled ‘How Online Responsible Businesses Regenerate the Economy.’ Going digital has been one of the biggest lifelines that enabled enterprises to survive the global lockdowns ami

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Raya with BMW

Raya with BMW

On 12th May 2021, Ibupreneur celebrated Raya with BMW! BMW gave out a box of mindfully-curated treats from a range of local businesses. We successfully gave out more than 1,000 boxes of Mint Choc-chip Kek Lapis and Brownie Cookies jars. It’s beginni

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